Adopted November 11, 2019
These By-Laws replace any preceding By-Laws
Article I —Name
•Ihe name of this body shall be Soda Lake Baptist Association.
Article Il Purpose
This body is a partnership of churches that cooperate together for the Gospel Ministry. We seek to do that through equipping local congregations for ministry training, engaging in cooperative missions efforts, and encouraging churches & church leadership in ministry.
Article Ill — Dissolution
This organization's assets are pledged for use in performing its religious functions. On the discontinuance of this organization by dissolution or otherwise, its assets are to be transferred to a religious or charitable organization that is qualified as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3), Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
Article IV — Membership
Section I: Membership Requirements
This body shall be composed of churches cooperating with the association who adhere to the doctrines of the Baptist Faith & Message ( 1 963 or 2000). This cooperation shall include both financial support to the work of the association and active participation with the association in missions & ministries.
Section 2: Admittance
Any church desiring admittance to this association will present its petitionary letter to the
Administrative Team. Therein the Administrative Team will examine the church's doctrine and practice to perceive if they have the ability to cooperate with the mission of this association. If satisfied, the Administrative Team will recommend their admittance in a meeting of the Ministry Partners. If approved by majority vote of the Ministry Partners, the church will then undergo one (I ) y•ear of watch care. They will be received into fellowship by majority vote from the messengers at the recommendation of the
Ministry Partners at the Annual Meeting.
Section 3: Messengers
Messengers are individuals chosen by their congregation to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association or any like called meeting in order to hear and respond by vote to reports and recommendations needed for the work of the Association. Each church shall be entitled to two (2) messengers and (I) additional messenger for each fifty (50) members above fifty; provided that no church shall be entitled to more than twenty (20) messengers.
Section 4: Para-Church Association
Those para-church organizations/ministries desiring to affiliate with the association shall submit their request in writing to the Administrative Team. These organizations must meet the same eligibility criteria as stated in Article IV Section I (this section refers to doctrinal agreement) and must be approved by a majority vote Of the Ministry Partners upon recommendation by the Administrative Team.
Section 5: Disassociation
This body reserves the right to refuse association with any church or organization that:
* does not adhere to or departs from the doctrines established in the Baptist Faith & Message,
*Knowingly endorses or excuses sexual immorality among it's leadership and active membership.
* Knowingly ignores or conceals any sexual abuse or misconduct among the leadership and active membership.
*Any other action that would negatively affect the work and witness of the Association and the churches
Removal from the fellowship of the Association will be upon recommendation from the Administrative Team after their thorough investigation. Such recommendation will be made to the messengers at an Annual Meeting or a meeting called for that purpose. A majority vote of the messengers will be required to withdraw fellowship.
Section 6: Contributions
Contributions from individuals, churches, or petitioning groups may be accepted by theAssociation for its approved ministries, but such contributions do not in any way bind the Association to accept the petitioning group, or otherwise obligate the Association. Any donation Of money or materials for anything outside Of already approved ministries must be approved by the Administrative Team.
Section 7: Annual MeetingThe Association shall hold an Annual Meeting for the purpose of conducting the business of the Association. This Meeting will be held every year at such time and place as the body approves as recommended by the Administrative Team at an Annual Meeting. If needed, additional meetings of the Association may be called by the Administrative Team.
ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER (latest edition) will be the general authority of parliamentary procedure for all business meetings of the Association.
Section 8: Authority
This body recognizes the autonomy of every church affiliated with it and shall not exercise authority over any church.
Article V; Association Leadership
Section I: Officers
The Officers of the Association will collectively be known as the Administrative Team. The Team will be composed of the specific positions of: Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Clerk, Equip Team Leader, Engage Team Leader, and Encourage Team Leader. These shall also serve as Trustees for the Association to execute any legal matters as authorized by the Association in Annual Meeting or a called meeting for that purpose. 'Ihey will be responsible for managing the normal day-to-day and on-going affairs of the
Association. They will provide a financial statement to the Ministry Partners at each gathering or upon request.
At the Ministry Partner Gathering prior to the Annual Meeting, the Administrative Team will propose an annual budget, vote on the Annual meeting agenda, nominate persons as needed to be elected to serve on the Administrative Team, and E-Team leaders to be voted on at the Annual Meeting. They will also recommend any other items of business that should come before the Annual Meeting that would affect the overall operations of the Association. The Administrative team will generally meet monthly or as needed. The Administrative Team members will serve two-year-terms in their current positions. Members of the administrative team may be removed from their position by personal request or by majority vote of the Ministry Partners.
Section 2: E-Teams
The cooperative ministry of the Association's churches will be accomplished through three teams: Engage, Equip, and Encourage. These "E-Teams" will be comprised of a team leader and three team members who serve two-year terms. Team leaders and team members may be any pastor, staff, or member of any church in the Association. Team leaders will have preferably served at least one year as a team member. Team leaders will be responsible for enlisting their team members.
Engage Team will coordinate the work of the churches in local gospel outreach, church planting, and international missions.
Equip Team will coordinate the work of the churches in providing training opportunities and resources in the areas of church leadership, church revitalization, preaching, teaching, etc. This includes events like conferences and retreats.
Encourage Team will coordinate the work of the churches in ministry encouragement, This can include the annual meeting, pastoral care groups, etc.
Section 3: Ministry Partners
Ministry Partners will be composed of:
I . The Administrative Team
2. The Senior Pastor of each Associational church
3. Two additional church or staff members elected from each church in the Association
The purpose of the Ministry Partners will be to gather for fellowship. information and inspiration. Ministry and mission efforts from the E-teams and from churches will be celebrated. Training might be offered at these times. Matters of importance to the churches will be shared. The date/time/place and agenda/purpose for such meetings will be planned by the Administrative Team. A planning meeting of the Ministry Partners will be held one month prior to the Annual Meeting of the Association to hear & approve the agenda for the Annual meeting.
Section 4: Lakeview Trustees
As a joint owner of Lakeview Assembly with other area Associations, the Association is entitled to six Lakeview Board of Trustee members to serve two-year terms of service after elected at the annual meeting.
Section 5: Personnel
If the Administrative Team determines that any employed personnel are needed to assist in the effective work of the Association, they will recommend positions, policies, job descriptions, and compensation to
an Annual Meeting or a called meeting for that purpose. Upon approval of these, they will recruit, employ, and supervise personnel.
Section 6; Treasurer
The Treasurer shall ensure that all funds of the association are properly secured in such banks, financial institutions, or depositories as appropriate. The treasurer shall also be responsible for providing regular reports of the account balances, revenues, and expenses of the association to the administrative team, the ministry partners, and the church messengers at the annual meeting. The administrative team will be responsible for nominating a treasurer to be approved by the ministry partners. The Treasurer shall serve until the relationship terminated by his or her request or by majority vote of the Ministry Partners.
Section 7: Clerk
The Clerk shall supervise the associations' records. The Clerk shall keep minutes at all official associational meetings and perform other duties as specified by the administrative team.
Article VI: Amendments to By-Laws
Proposed amendments to these By-Laws may be ofTered by the Administrative Team or any messenger at the planning meeting of the Membership Partners. Such proposed amendment must be made in the form of a motion and duly seconded, unless moved by the Administrative Team, which requires no second. Discussion of the proposed amendment may follow per rules of order. In order to provide time for careful inspection and consideration of the proposed amendment. vote on the proposed amendment will then take place at the next Annual Meeting or at a meeting called for that purpose. A two-thirds vote of approval of the messengers in attendance will be necessary for adoption of the amendment.